A kidney transplant, sometimes known as a renal transplant, is a treatment for kidney failure at end stage renal disease (ESRD). Kidney transplant surgery is a major surgery during which a person with kidney failure receives a new kidney—either from a living donor or a deceased donor. A successful kidney transplant is closest to natural kidney function and considered the most effective treatment for ESRD—offering a chance for a longer, healthier life.
First and foremost, you have to find the right match. You may not have the option of a living donor, or you may want to pursue options for both living and deceased donation.
Following an evaluation at a transplant hospital, you may be placed on the waiting list. Some of the factors that goes into a successful transplant include – blood-type and antibody matching, age matching, kidney size, time with kidney failure, and a few other factors.
If you’re waiting for a kidney transplant or have already scheduled surgery, your goal should be to stay healthy mentally and physically.
After your kidney transplant is done, you need to:
Spend several days or weeks in the hospital
Follow the recommended schedule for lab tests and clinic visits to make sure that your kidney is working properly.
Take your anti-rejection medications, as directed by the transplant team
Follow a healthy lifestyle including proper diet and exercise
Expect six months or more of recovery time.